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What equipment do I typically need for Yoga?

  • Water

  • A towel if you’re prone to working up a sweat

  • No fancy socks required, you’ll be practicing in bare feet

  • Yoga mat

  • Sometimes your teacher may refer to using a Block or Strap. If you don't have one, don't panic, there will be options!


Which Yoga Mat & Why?


  • Make practice more comfortable

  • Prevent slippage (esp in a hot yoga class)

  • Make practice easier and less distracting


Which mat?

I love @liforme yoga mats, although expensive they are eco-friendly, ethical, and socially-just, last ages and come with a travel bag (If your into Amazon they can be bought slightly discounted in the core colours). If I'm practising on a hard floor I usually place a @Yogamatters sticky yoga mat for approx. £22 underneath.

I have also heard @Jade and @yogibare do great yoga mats too!

I try and avoid PVC as its non bio-degradable :(

Should I drink during a yoga class?

Try to avoid drinking during class/ over drinking. However, hydration after class is key to avoid fatigue and dehydration. Avoid hydrating on alcohol or caffeine though!


What should I wear?

Anything you feel comfortable in that will allow you to have a full range of motion, breathable sportswear is the best.

Finally, try and focus on entirely on yourself and your mat space, ignoring any potential distractions either at home or in the studio! Dedicate the time you spend on your mat to your wellbeing and fully commit to that time as if it was a work commitment.


What are 'Options' in Yoga?

Yoga is a subtle practice, it doesn't require maxing out in everything that you do. There isn’t just one ‘right’ way to do a pose in yoga and it’s about finding out what works for your body, to avoid injury. I suggest you don't progress to the next advanced option without fully being competent in the baseline version. Bodies will also vary from class to class, so you may choose one option on one day and another, another day. Developing this body awareness takes practice so follow beginners’ yoga classes at first for more in-depth extra instructions and variations offered. It’s always a good idea to go to a teacher in person as well as online yoga if you can.


What are the benefits of yoga?

Practising yoga has loads of physical benefits: it creates a flexible, toned and strong body and improves breathing, energy and metabolism. Yoga improves circulatory and cardiac health, as well as fitness levels, pain and posture. It also has benefits for your mental health, making you happier, more balanced and emotionally calmer. It helps you relax so you can handle stress better. Yoga encourages self-confidence and helps you to focus your energy. 


How often should I practice Yoga?

Even if you practice once a week, you’ll feel the difference. If you can, try to practice two to three times a week but don’t let unrealistic expectations stop you from doing shorter practices. 10 or 20 minutes is better than doing nothing at all. In short, do what you can, when you can. Focus on, and be proud of what you do, rather than focusing on what you think you should be doing.


When is the best time to do yoga?

Basically, it comes down to whenever you can fit yoga in. The  morning is a great time to practice; you might wake up stiff, so opening up your body with some energizing yoga sets you up for the day. In the evening, a more relaxing yoga practice can be a nice way to unwind after work. Some of us are early birds while others are night owls, so experiment with finding your own yoga rhythm and what works for your schedule.


Can I eat before yoga?

It’s better to have a more or less empty stomach during a yoga session, so leave at least two hours between a main meal and yoga. Digestion of food requires energy and when you do yoga straight after a meal, your energy goes to the muscles you’re exercising and the body can’t digest the food properly. A banana or a handful of nuts is an option if you are too hungry to practice.